
我总是觉得当代中国文学大体上是无聊的,除了80年代前后有一些有趣的先锋派,不过也是比西方晚了半个多世纪的一次尝试,后来好像就没什么人写出有趣的东西,甚至没什么人看了,经常说起来著名的白话文作品,结果一看都是民国时期的。很少听人说起又有什么值得称赞的中国文学作品诞生。我不太清楚为什么现在会是这样,虽然也知道存在写了却发不出来的问题,但是不知道这到底会有什么影响,直到我看了纳博科夫(就是写洛丽塔那个人)写的《俄国文学讲稿》(Lectures on Russian Literature)。这似乎是他在给康奈尔大学的学生讲授俄国文学的时候所起草的教案,中间第一章叫做俄国作家、审查机制和读者(Russian writers, censors, and readers),虽然写的是俄国和后来的苏联,但是有些地方实在过于切实,以至于不难做些联想。这里只引用一些英文版的内容(附上自己写的翻译),因为听说中文版可能会有删节。

…the foreigner’s mind tends to regard [Russian literature] as something complete, something finished once and for all. This is mainly due to the bleakness of the typically regional literature produced during the last four decades under the Soviet rule. (referring to 1958)


For an artist one consolation is that in a free country he is not actually forced to produce guidebooks. Now, from this limited point of view, nineteenth-century Russia was oddly enough a free country: books and writers might be banned and banished, censors might be rogues and fools, be-whiskered Tsars might stamp and storm; but that wonderful discovery of Soviet times, the method of making the entire literary corporation write what the state deems fit — this method was unknown in old Russia, although no doubt many a reactionary statesman hoped to find such a tool.


Nobody would exile me to the wilds of Alaska for having my happy atheist published after all by some shady experimental firm; and on the other hand, authors in America are never ordered by the government to produce magnificent novels about the joys of free enterprise and of morning prayers. In Russia before the Soviet rule there did exist restrictions, but no orders were given to artists. They were — those nineteenth-century writers, composers, and painters — quite certain that they lived in a country of oppression and slavery, but they had something that one can appreciate only now, namely, the immense advantage over their grandsons in modern Russia of not being compelled to say that there was no oppression and no slavery.

… [Factors existed in the first half of 19th century] hampered the author to a considerable degree but also afforded him the keen pleasure of pin-pricking and deriding the government in a thousand subtle, delightfully subversive ways with which governmental stupidity was quite unable to cope… whatever defects the old administration in Russia had, it must be conceded that it possessed one outstanding virtue — a lack of brains.

Actually Lenin was in art a philistine, a bourgeois, and from the very start the Soviet government was laying the grounds for a primitive, regional, political, police-controlled, utterly conservative and conventional literature. The Soviet government, with admirable frankness very different from the sheepish, half-hearted, muddled attempts of the old administration, proclaimed that literature was a tool of the state; and for the last forty years this happy agreement between the poet and the policeman has been carried on most intelligently. Its result is the so-called Soviet literature, a literature conventionally bourgeois in its style and hopelessly monotonous in its meek interpretation of this or that governmental idea.

It is interesting to ponder the fact that there is no real difference between what the Western Fascists wanted of literature and what the Bolsheviks want. Let me quote: “The personality of the artist should develop freely and without restraint. One thing, however, we demand: acknowledgement of our creed.” Thus spoke one of the big Nazis, Dr. Rosenberg, Minister of Culture in Hitler’s Germany. Another quotation: “Every artist has the right to create freely; but we, Communists, must guide him according to plan.” Thus spoke Lenin.

Communist officials called with a simper “an endless variety of themes” because every turn of the economic and political path implied a turn in literature: one day the lesson would be “factories”; the next, “farms”; then, “sabotage”; then, “the Red Army,” and so on (what variety!); with the Soviet novelist puffing and panting and dashing about from model hospital to model mine or dam, always in mortal fear that if he were not nimble enough he might praise a Soviet decree or a Soviet hero that would both be abolished on the publication day of his book.

In the course of forty years of absolute domination the Soviet government has never once lost control of the arts. Every now and then the screw is eased for a moment, to see what will happen, and some mild concession toward individual self-expression is accorded; and foreign optimists acclaim the new book as a political protest, no matter how mediocre it is… But, alas, even if the Soviet writer does reach a level of literary art worthy of, say, an Upton Lewis — not to name any names — even so the dreary fact remains that the Soviet government, the most philistine organization on earth, cannot permit the individual quest, the creative courage, the new, the original, the difficult, the strange, to exist. And let us not be fooled by the natural extinction of elderly dictators. Not a jot changed in the philosophy of the state when Lenin was replaced by Stalin, and not a jot has changed now, with the rise of Krushchev, or Hrushchyov, or whatever his name is.


Since a definite limit is set to an author’s imagination and to free will, every proletarian novel must end happily, with the Soviets triumphing, and thus the author is faced with the dreadful task of having to weave an interesting plot when the outcome is in advance officially known to the reader.

…since it is the Soviet state that is the real protagonist of every Soviet novel, we can have a few minor characters — fairly good Bolsheviks though they be — die a violent death provided the idea of the Perfect State triumphs in the end; in fact, some cunning authors have been known to arrange things in such a way that on the very last page the death of the Communist hero is the triumph of the happy Communist idea: I die so that the Soviet Union may live.

Especially amusing in these circumstances is the romantic theme in Soviet novels. I have here two examples culled at random. First a passage from The Big Heart, a novel by Antonov, published serially in 1957:
Olga was silent.
“Ah,” cried Vladimir, “Why can’t you love me as I love you.”
“I love my country,” she said.
“So do I,” he exclaimed.
“And there is something I love even more strongly,” Olga continued, disengaging herself from the young man’s embrace.
“And that is?” he queried.
Olga let her limpid blue eyes rest on him, and answered quickly: “It is the Party.”

In the nineteenth century genius not only survived, but flourished, because public opinion was stronger than any Tsar and because, on the other hand, the good reader refused to be controlled by the utilitarian ideas of progressive critics. In the present era when public opinion in Russia is completely crushed by the government, the good reader may perhaps still exist there, somewhere in Tomsk or Atomsk, but his voice is not heard, his diet is supervised, his mind divorced from the minds of his brothers abroad.


His brothers — that is the point: for just as the universal family of gifted writers transcends national barriers, so is the gifted reader a universal figure, not subject to spatial or temporal laws. It is he — the good, the excellent reader — who has saved the artist again and again from being destroyed by emperors, policemen, postmasters, and prigs.


Let me define this admirable reader. He does not belong to any specific nation or class. No director of conscience and no book club can manage his soul. His approach to a work of fiction is not governed by those juvenile emotions that make the mediocre reader identify himself with this or that character and “skip descriptions.”… The admirable reader does not seek information about Russia in a Russian novel, for he knows that the Russia of Tolstoy or Chekhov is not the average Russia of history but a specific world imagined and created by individual genius.

The Russian reader in old cultured Russia was certainly proud of Pushkin and of Gogol, but he was just as proud of Shakespeare or Dante, of Baudelaire or of Edgar Allan Poe, of Flaubert or of Houmer, and this was the Russian reader’s strength.


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